In the Autumn of 2023, Lofree released our new keyboard
Lofree DOT Mechanical Keyboard | FOUNDATION
After 7 years, Lofree had witnessed the joy of 2 million non-gaming female users while they got the DOT series mechanical keyboard
We have a deeper understanding of the combination of geek and beauty
Why can’t a geek gadget be beautiful at the same time?
That's why we bring this new DOT to show our coming new users
Before the Foundation keyboard is officially launched overseas
We held a new product launch release in Shanghai, China, let us have a quick view together
Surroundings of the new release conference, We created a pink and fashionable neighborhood that fits the beauty theme
The entrance is a handcuff that symbolizes the meaning of beautiful imprisonment.
In the inner hall, we created 12 2m² with different themes of beautiful life
Beautiful models were invited to showcase Lofree products
As for whether beauty is guilty, we invited guests to discuss this topic
About the concrete expression of beauty, a shadow puppet show called Lonely Flower had showed this topic more clearly
The red silk thread represents the cage, and we invite guests to explore the beauty inside
After the discussion, we prepared a beautiful dinner. To show beauty is indeed an enjoyment.
Beautiful music is also what we wanted
That’s it, a short quick few of the new release
Lofree DOT Mechanical Keyboard | FOUNDATION will be officially launched in overseas markets on Nov. 21, 2023 PST.
At that time, we will show you a complete introduction to foundation keyboard.
Let us stay tune!